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Getting To & From School

Busing, Parent Delivery, Walking


Students who live outside a predetermined area from the school shall have the option of riding a bus.  See the busing schedule for specific locations.  All other students are designated as being able to walk to school.



Students should walk or ride their bikes to school is a safe manner, crossing streets only at designated crosswalks, and watching out for traffic and strangers.  Doors open at 7:15am for all students.


When delivering or picking up your child/children, please use New St., Water St., or Counts St..  Main St, in front of the building, is designated as a bus drop-off/pick-up zone.

If it becomes necessary for you to pick up your child/children at school, we ask that you:

  • Report to the office
  • Identify yourself
  • Sign your child/children out on our release chart

We do not release any student from school without your permission. Therefore, when a relative or friend does this task for you, we ask that you send a note with your child or with the relative/friend explaining your wishes. Our office will phone you at home or work before releasing your child/children to any individual without written permission from you.